Swimming New Zealand community resources, policies and guidelines to support our community.
Complete the Police Vetting request form and email it back alongside a photo copy of your drivers...
Police Vetting - complete the Swimming NZ Consent to Disclose and submit form.
Swimming is a sport that values teamwork, co-operation, diversity, inclusion and leadership...
The Swimming NZ Police Vetting policy is an essential part of its proactive and...
Application for recognition of a New Zealand Record – Short Course/Long Course, or Relay
Swimming New Zealand Management shall have jurisdiction over...
Policy 002: To outline the meet types on the SNZ Database and what member categories are eligible...
Policy 008: To outline SNZ policy on withdrawals and protests at SNZ competition
Hey coach! Here's 5 simple tips to help everyone enjoy sport more...
Ensure you are documenting and reporting any work-related incidents, injuries and illnesses...
Policy 007: To provide the opportunity for swimmers to achieve qualifying times to attend national..
New Zealand Pool Swimming Rules
View the balance is better website to learn more about the initiative and get upskilled...
Swimming New Zealand knows that you care how information about you is used and shared...
Balance is Better is about creating quality experiences for all young people to keep them active...
Policy 005: To set out SNZ policy and process on members transferring affiliated clubs.
Official Swimming New Zealand Penalty Form
Policy 009: Accredited Persons may include athletes participating at the Event, coaches...
Helpful information for database administrators.
To give direction for new and existing team managers on their roles, responsibilities...
Official Swimming New Zealand withdrawal form for competition use.
Stay up to date with the latest educational webinars to learn more about how you can create...
Instructions for club administrators to utilise the database
Policy 001: To outline policy on who can compete at SNZ Championship meets.
This sheet must be completed for each session, signed by the Referee and sent to their region.
Policy 003: To outline the policy of under what conditions a New Zealand Swimming Record can be set.
Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Constitution
Policy 010: To outline SNZ policy on the process for Media Accreditation by which persons may apply.
Official Swimming New Zealand Disqualification Form
Swimming New Zealand is committed to maintaining the fundamental character of sporting competition..
Swimming New Zealand hazard risk rating table...
Policy 004: To set out the SNZ Policy for SNZ members wishing to train and compete internationally..
By entering your details into this website and paying your membership fee...
World Para Swimming Quick Reference Infraction Card
Thanks for helping your child make the most out of their sporting experience...
Official Swimming New Zealand Protest Form
Swimming New Zealand briefing information for timekeepers.
We all have an important role to play in creating positive swimming experiences...
World Aquatics Quick Reference Infraction Sheet 2023-2025
Complete an induction for workers (including contractors and volunteers) and document the training..
Policy 012: To outline policy on creating a welcoming and inclusive swimming environment for all com
Position Description Assessor – Technical Officials
These Terms of Use apply to your use of this website.
Open water swimming safety guidelines.
Policy 006: To set out SNZ policy on late entries to SNZ Championship Events and policy on entry ref
Official Swimming New Zealand Relay Entry Form
Download the easy to understand guide to how children's attitudes and behaviours are developed...
Policy 011: For the purposes of this policy, patrons may include but not restricted to patrons...
Write up emergency procedures for all situations you work in...